Saturday, December 1, 2012

Christmas Stockings

I'm the co-leader of a Girl Scout troop, we have three different age groups aging from Daisys to Juniors. This year we decided to be in the Christmas parade! Next do we decorate the truck? Here is what we came up with for the bed of the truck...giant 3 foot stockings. They can be purchased at the Dollar Tree for $1/each. Then the possibilities are endless for what you can do with them to personalize them for your need. First picture is how they look from the store, nice but plain.
For our use I decided to put a girl's name on each stocking and then add something different to each one. Presents, holly, tree, etc. So...first I added the name. According to how long the name was to how I put it on the stocking. Then choose what to add for decoration. The one below has presents. All of this was done with puff paint from Wal-Mart, small bottles were around $1/each. I bought a big bottle (approx $3/each) of gold for names and red and green for decorating. Small bottles of yellow, blue, silver and white. The bottles come with a tip so it's as simple as squeezing the paint from the bottle directly onto the stocking, no brush or anything.
My abilities are small when it comes to free-handing any design so I used lots of patterns. I either printed them from the computer or found some in coloring books. I cut out the pattern then outlined the pattern in paint. The insides of the pattern have to be free-handed. When decorating the white part it is see through so a pattern can be put under it to copy. Remember to keep them simple, you can't do alot of detail with this type of thing.
After I let the paint dry for several hours, usually overnight, then it's time to glitter! I love this part and not much glitter is spread off the stocking so cleanup is easy. I purchased spray adhesive, a small can will do. I got the Elmer's brand and it worked well. Line under the stocking with news paper, make sure it has lots of room on each side to catch overflow of the adhesive. Spray the stocking with adhesive then add glitter. I used colored glitter to accent the paint then used red glitter for the rest of the stocking to make it sparkle. After all glitter is added I lightly coated with adhesive again and let dry. Very little if any glitter fell off after doing this.


Finished product! They are all different, all glittered so they shimmer like any girl's stocking should.
From our house to yours, Mary

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